I was Tagged by the Lovely adoreabubbles,(http://adoreabubbles.blogspot.com/) and set to do this challenge of answering 11 questions about myself and making up 11 more and tagging other Bloggers. As I am new to Blogging I don't know that many people on here (boohoo) so hopefully this will get us following each other and talking a bit (YAY!)
Post these rules.
Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you’ve tagged them
Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you’ve tagged them
11 Random Facts About ME
I am a really bad speller (thank god for spell check).
I crack my knuckles,knees,neck,ankles and back.
I have 5 tattoos.
I have TONS of high heels that I NEVER wear. They are pretty to look at though ;)
I Love Halloween.
I DO NOT LIKE EGGS!!!!or mushrooms.*shudder*.
I have to eat biscuits in even numbers 2,4 etc. I cant eat just one!Same with Pringles.
I have night terrors.
I have tried nearly every diet out there...I love food too much.
Ham, Mash, Cabbage and gravy is my favourite dinner.
I have over 50 cousins!
Now I will answer the questions from Adoreabubbles
If you could live anywhere is the world,where would it be and why?
I wouldn't live in one place if I had the choice, Id move around. But if I had to choose I'd say Thailand! Because it is so beautiful and there's so much to see and do
Are you more like your mam or dad?
I'm very like my mam in ways(moods laugh humour) but I have a lot of my dads side (humour creative side,features)there too.
If you only had €10 left and it was a week to pay day what would you spend it on?
Doritos and coke!
What would you NOT wear on a first date?
If you only had €10 left and it was a week to pay day what would you spend it on?
Doritos and coke!
What would you NOT wear on a first date?
Anything see through!
Kinder Surprise or a box of random chocolates
Kinder Surprise or a box of random chocolates
Kinder Surprise every time
What would you say to the person you hate most in this world if you got a chance?
What would you say to the person you hate most in this world if you got a chance?
I seriously wouldn't give them the time of day. If someone can hurt you they are not worth knowing!
Did you read all the Harry Potter Books?
Did you read all the Harry Potter Books?
eeeek NO!!! Was more of a "Hobbit" kinda girl
Would you ever consider Internet dating?
Would you ever consider Internet dating?
Well hopefully I wont have to know that I've found the man of my dreams.But if it came to it I probably would.
Tell us one thing you can not stand for?
Tell us one thing you can not stand for?
Someone tickling my feet....for some reason it I loose all control of my body and need to pee straight away!
Are you a neat freak or I'll clean it tomorrow kinda gal?
depend on what part of the house you're talking about. My room is a mess but I like to keep the rest of the house tidy
What would you do if someone offended/insulted you in public over a microphone in front of all your family and friends?
What would you do if someone offended/insulted you in public over a microphone in front of all your family and friends?
Firstly I'd laugh and tell them to "eff off" and then walk away and probably cry and then watch my mam tear them to pieces lol!
Here are my Questions
1.Whats your favourite take away?
2.As a child what did you want to be when your grew up?
3.Chocolate or Crisps?
4.What REEEEEAAAALLLY gets on your nerves?
5.Do/did you do your homework straight away or leave it to last minute?
6.Do you believe in love at first sight?
7.Favourite movie and why?
8.Your BIGGEST regret in life?
9.Socks with sandals?
10.Sun holiday lazying by the pool or adventure holiday?
11.Favourite place in the world?
I tag!
Perfectly Polished
Pretty Perfect
Saved by Grace
Zoella Beauty Fashion & Lifestyle Blog
Thanks fr tagging me, I will make a post later :) This is fun!
ReplyDeleteThat is supposed to say thanks FOR tagging me haha
DeleteLooking forward to it :)
ReplyDeletelol I do the same with my heels; just look at them and admire! xD